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embrace harmony and reconciliation while rejecting revenge and retribution

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  ChristianCannibal.com focuses on the recorded words and teachings of Jesus providing a totally different outlook... a whole new perspective on what it means to worship God.


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You might be a Cannibal if you

If so, this Christian Cannibal site has been conceived and created by people like you for people like you.  ChristianCannibal.com is a website for that focuses on the teachings of Jesus and not the "accepted" doctrines of Christianity.

But, aren't those the same?

Nope... not really.  That's what I learned when some years ago I decided to try something.  I thought it would be a hoot to read only the "red letter" text in the Bible.  You may already know that many Bibles use red text to highlight the words that Jesus actually spoke.  So, my little experiment was to focus only on this red text - on Jesus' actual words.

As I read Jesus' words, what I was struck by was how odd and different it seemed when compared to what I had learned Christianity was all about.  It changed my whole outlook and gave me a new perspective on what it means to be a disciple, to follow Jesus, and to love God.

It's that new perspective that forms the foundation for ChristianCannibal.com where the Jesus' words and teachings are first and foremost.

Love God and Love Your Neighbor

Luke 10:27-28 He answered, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind. And you must love your neighbor as yourself." (28) Jesus told him, "You have answered correctly. 'Do this, and you will live.'"

Jesus taught that loving God and loving your neighbor (anyone you encounter who has a need you can address) are the keys to eternal life.  Christianity teaches that "If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Follow Jesus

John 12:26  If anyone serves me, he must follow me. And where I am, there my servant will also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him."

Here, Jesus tells us to follow him and to serve him.  Elsewhere, he tells us to carry on his work (John 20:21). Never does he tell us we should worship him.



to people who:



refuse to marginalize the poor or forsake the needy celebrate wisdom and peace intead of guns and violence embrace harmony and reconciliation while rejecting revenge and retribution glorify charity and goodwill and not wealth and excess seek agreement and unity and steer away from discord and divisiveness feel judged or rejected by the church you grew up in or by religion in general feel there is so much more to God and religion than what you learned in church or what you see and hear in the media have a hunger to improve the lives of the people around you and to make the world a better place want to deepen your understanding, grow your faith, and increase your spirituality without all the rules, rituals, and wasteful trappings of a church or religion